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Diabetes (blood sugar disease)

There are different types, two of which are more common. Type 1 diabetes, which is most common in young and thin people with severe weight loss, and type 2 diabetes, which is more common in 40-year-old and obese people and may have a family history. In recent years, the prevalence of high blood sugar in the country has increased due to the prevalence of obesity. Blood sugar screening should be done annually in Balinese people 45 years old and without risk factors. Although in most cases, a disease is silent and is identified in annual checkups, but in many cases, the patient may have symptoms. Any unexplained increase in thirst and increased urination should be investigated. Patients with diabetes should be under the supervision of a doctor every 3 to 6 months and be followed up according to the tests. Type 1 diabetes patients are only treated with insulin, and type 2 diabetes patients may be treated with oral medications or insulin depending on the severity of the disease. Losing weight, walking, proper diet, regular sleep, and a healthy and stress-free life help regulate sugars.